Thursday, June 18, 2009

Brown Spotting Staining Second Trimester Pregnancy

The thought of getting pregnant brings feelings of nervousness, excitement, anxiety and uneasiness in women. You need to take proper care of yourself and your child to ensure that your pregnancy carries on smoothly. Every pregnancy is divided into three trimesters- first, second and third. Each of these trimesters is equally important and you have to follow all the instructions given by your doctor during these phases.

Generally, the second trimester of pregnancy spans from the 13th week to the 27th week of pregnancy. Generally, most of the women start looking pregnant and wearing maternity clothes during this period. You may find that the second trimester is the easiest part of your pregnancy- because breast tenderness, fatigue and morning sickness may disappear during this phase. Some other common symptoms that appear during this trimester of pregnancy are stretch marks, nosebleeds, numbness, bleeding gums, heartburn and hemorrhoids etc.

One of the most occurrences during this trimester is the brown spotting or staining. Basically, brown spotting is an indication of the old or dry blood that is in the cervix for some reason. There could be various reasons for this- sexual intercourse, cervical growth or inflammation and irritation of the cervix. Sometimes the bleeding from the cervix may be an indication of the cervix incompetence- and it results in heavy bleeding. Another cause for such an occurrence is known as implantation bleeding- when your body could be passing out old menstrual blood.

Brown spotting during the second trimester of pregnancy is pretty normal unless you are passing thick clots or red blood. If you are passing out heavy blood- then it might indicate problem with the placenta and you need to contact your doctor as soon as possible. Don't be shy about discussing your problem including the amount of blood you passed, whether it was thick or not and what it looked like. It might be a condition of placenta previa- in which the placenta lies too low in the uterus an covers the opening of the birth canal. It is a very serious medical condition and requires immediate medical attention or care.

Another reason for the late bleeding during pregnancy may be uterine rupture. This generally happens in women who have had a previous cesarean birth-uterine rupture may cause the baby to be completely released in the abdomen. Mucus plug could be another reason of brown spotting or staining. The mucus plug is a thin discharge that gets released out of your body as soon as you begin to prepare for delivery.

Well, this is the information about brown staining during second trimester pregnancy. I hope that you use this information to the best of your interest!

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